Leaders Worth Following
Readiness | Response | Resilience
“Builder capability through little and often leader led conversations”
Leadership comes to the fore in crisis.
Crisis leadership requires considered and at times bold decision making. The leader doesn’t need to have the answer to all issues, but they do need to be able to lean on expertise, consider options and make decisions.
Managers and leaders of most organisations at a point in time are likely to have to lead their people through some level of crisis or critical incident. Whilst their role might not expressly have “lead in crisis’ within their position description, they by default are that person. The leader.
An ability to lead in crisis will but only add to the strength of the leader in peacetime. The two require different leadership styles but they can be complementary.
Colaborate in Peace - Lead in Crisis
Peace time is Business as Usual time, and for the most part, this is what managers and leaders are in their role to do. Quite simply, there to “Do your Job”.
But occasionally crisis or critical incidents can hit any business with varying levels of seriousness, and the list of potential incidents is as long as there is in different types of business and industry.
At a point in time it’s likely that managers and leaders are going to have to deal with a whole range of incidents. Readiness in part, is preparing leaders for the unexpected. The incident may happen without warning such as a natural disaster, or maybe more of a slow burn. Either way the success of your response will be your leaders and to what level they are prepared. Relying simply on policy and procedure will not see you through, it is your people leaders, and the team response that will see you through, and this is directly impacted by readiness.
Having little and often incident based discussion around likely scenarios and how you would respond is not only healthy but corporately responsible. Little and often, and done as a team. By doing this you are putting yourself and the team in the moment - It’s a different version of risk based and situational awareness training.
Pick a scenario, create the scene and discuss it as a team for 10 minutes as part of regular meetings - Little and often.
Build the scenario and figure some stuff out.
What’s my Aim
The leader in critical incidents needs to have crystal clarity on the current situation. They know that the situation will change, that’s expected particularly until such time as multiple streams of information and intelligence are understood, but very quickly they will start to form an accurate common operating picture.
With that in my mind they can now form their “Aim”, or their mission statement. What is happening, and what is my aim - What do I need to do right now.
With clarity of the aim - you can move into the planning and execution.
QRisk Leadership Support
At a point in time it’s likely that managers and leaders are going to have to deal with something that may well look like a;
Serious workplace accident
Natural disaster
Cyber internet attack
Criminal offending - internal or external
Threats of violence against staff - Aggressive customer
Brand attack through media
Restructure fallout
Pandemic response
To help support leaders and organisations in times of crisis and critical incident management QRisk have developed a suite of training tools and face to face facilitated training sessions to help leaders be at their best.
As a package they complement each other beautifully and align to the principles above. Collaborate in Peace - Lead in Crisis and support leader & team readiness by little and often scenario based conversations.
Bespoke Critical Incident Boards - Ideal for every office. Used for Health, Safety and Security regular briefings and as a central information point when stuff goes bad
Safety & Security Flip Charts - Simple plans on a page. Your top 10 incidents and a page on “you getting through” tips on well being & resilience in crisis. Use these floppies on a regular basis - Little and often
Scenario Builder - Gameified interactive workplace readiness training
“Our suite of tools and training sessions are designed with simplicity in mind to lift the capability and capacity of leaders when crisis happens”
QRisk are specialists in situational awareness training and critical incident management. We know that when the unexpected happens, chaos reigns. We also know that the best way to reduce that chaos is through awareness and training.
“Give confidence to your executive and board that you have got leaders and teams on the pathway of appropriate readiness, response and resilience”
Contact us today and we can walk and talk you through a bespoke approach.