Control the Chaos
Chaos Reigns in Crisis - Not With Your Team Though
Caring Team Leaders and Health & Safety Champions always have people safety, security and well being at their front of mind.
They know that investing in people capability to deal with those critical situations is a worthy investment. It helps to create leaders worth following when the unexpected happens.
Expect the Unexpected
Building the right levels of readiness and resilience is a balancing act in the fast pace of today’s business. Spending time and energy on staff and leadership awareness of what to do when “stuff goes bad” can be seen as unnecessary and costly. Getting the right level of awareness training to enable good leadership in action is the key.
Every organisation has to do some level of critical incident readiness and that readiness requires a level of planning. However, good leaders know that everything doesn’t go according to plan. True in business equally true in crisis. They know that it is critically important to be mission focussed and control what you can control.
Control the chaos when it comes to managing your way through critical incidents and expect the unexpected.
It won’t go according to the plan
The abbreviated phrase of “no plan survives first contact with the enemy” is attributed to Helmuth Von Moltke - A famous 19th century Prussian military commander. It is true in terms of military operations and it is equally true when dealing with any critical incident that todays modern businesses may have to deal with.
Of course have a plan. Plans are important, but in terms of leading your people through critical incidents you will need to understand contingency actions. Situations or factors that are going to take your plan in a different direction. Expect this to be true because it will be.
The ability to deal with changing circumstances whilst maintaining an overall objective is what will enhance your leaders and teams ability to deal with critical incidents.
Create the scenario, put your self in the moment, change up the factors, build in contingencies. With this type of approach you are now building real readiness capability. Build and change the scenario.
Scenario Builder - Gameified Learning
Scenario builder brings reality to workplace critical incident management. It enables leaders and people to engage in the conversation of critical incident management.
In a fun and interactive gameified way it brings reality to little and often leader led conversations. Build the scenario, change the contributing factors and throw in some what if contingencies and build the capability and capacity of your team in crisis, through literally thousands of possible realistic scenarios.
Each game can be recorded on a simple risk and audit sheet to provide a more formal record of the training. This gameified card game really does bring a simple but effective to workplace critical incident management.
Be in the moment through interactive gameified learning
QRisk Situational Awareness Training
QRisk are workplace specialist on situational awareness training. Our foundation message is that, Situational Awareness is the greatest skill you can acquire for your personal safety and security.
We developed the scenario builder card game as a way to bring healthy and robust situational scenarios into your workplace. It’s interactive and pulls everyone into the conversation. It puts you in the moment.
We know that when the unexpected happens and that chaos reigns in crisis. We also know that the best way to reduce that chaos is through awareness and training. Expect the unexpected. And do this through appropriate leader led conversations.
Policy and procedure absolutely have their place, but little and often conversations and putting staff in the moment of reasonable and realistic workplace scenarios really does build your organisation readiness.
Scenario Builder is one of the QRisk suite of products designed to support people and organisations in their readiness and response capability. They work beautifully along side our safety and security flip charts, and our site bespoke incident management boards.
Contact QRisk today so we can walk and talk you through how to introduce scenario builder to your workplace.
Realistic scenarios for all businesses and industry types - Simplicity in critical incident and business continuity management.